you can display the N-N Relationship view or any other view in CRM entity in IFrame like this:
to do this, I am creating two test entities new_testentity1 and new_testentity2 and many to many relationship between the two entities, and IFrame in new_testentity1 named IFRAME_TestEntity2
and form onload script:
function OnCrmPageLoad() {
/* Create a N2NViewer and give it the IFRAME (container) id */
var n2nViewer = new N2NViewer('IFRAME_TestEntity2');
/* Set the role order - use iedevtoolber for exact parameters */
n2nViewer.RoleOrder = 1;
/* assing the relationship name (without the "area" word) */
n2nViewer.TabsetId = "new_new_testentity1_new_testentity2";
/* Do the trick... */
function N2NViewer(iframeId) {
if (!document.all[iframeId]) {
alert(iframeId + " is missing!");
var viewer = this;
var _locAssocObj = null;
viewer.IFRAME = document.all[iframeId];
viewer.Load = function() {
/* Construct a valid N2N IFRAME url */
viewer.IFRAME.src = "areas.aspx?oId=" + crmForm.ObjectId + "&oType=" + crmForm.ObjectTypeCode + "&security=" + crmFormSubmit.crmFormSubmitSecurity.value + "&roleOrd=" + viewer.RoleOrder + "&tabSet=area" + viewer.TabsetId;
viewer.IFRAME.onreadystatechange = viewer.StateChanged;
viewer.StateChanged = function() {
if (viewer.IFRAME.readyState != 'complete') {
var iframeDoc = viewer.IFRAME.contentWindow.document;
/* Reomve scrolling space */
iframeDoc.body.scroll = "no";
/* Remove crmGrid Default padding */
iframeDoc.body.childNodes[0].rows[0].cells[0].style.padding = 0;
/* Save MS locAssocObj */
_locAssocObj = locAssocObj;
/* Override MS locAssocObj */
locAssocObj = viewer.locAssocObj;
viewer.locAssocObj = function(iType, sSubType, sAssociationName, iRoleOrdinal) {
/* Open the Dialog */
_locAssocObj(iType, sSubType, sAssociationName, iRoleOrdinal);
/* Refresh only if our iframe contains the correnct tabset name */
if (sAssociationName == viewer.TabsetId) {
//Entry Point
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